Pasadena Learning Gardens

Resourcing communities to create a healthier more sustainable future

Foods that are both fatty and sweet can hijack the part of the brain that regulates food consumption

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More evidence that we are being manipulated into eating the wrong thing.  “What do we do when the products of our genius and our industry short-circuit our evolved traits and lead us down a path of destruction?”


Human ingenuity has combined fats and carbohydrates to produce such crowning culinary glories as the doughnut, fettuccine Alfredo, nachos and chocolate cake with buttercream frosting. These delectables do not exist in nature. Nor does the human capacity to intuit their calorie content.

Source: Foods that are both fatty and sweet can hijack the part of the brain that regulates food consumption

Author: Mark Rice

I’m a UC Master Gardener with a huge interest in growing my own food, beekeeping, medicinal herbs and living sustainably. I also have a passion to share these journeys with like minded souls. I work with many off site communities and manage an educational organization and two outdoor learning facilities.

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